Of All the Web Sites I Have Ever Done, This One is the Most Recent!

    LAST CALL ...Remembering My Dad

To read a review of LAST CALL... Read Dan DeLuca’s column from the Philadelphia Inquirer. Click here.

What Others are Saying:

“Sometimes great things come in small packages. This book really moved me and it will move you too!”
~ Pat Croce

”This book will take you only minutes to read, but it’s impact will last a lifetime. It’s honest, brave and poignant. You must read it.”
~ Angelo Cataldi

“This is a poignant and bittersweet remembrance, told with an unsparing honesty. It will touch your heart and remind you that each of us, regardless of our station in life, is someone’s child.”
~ Bill Lyon
Philadelphia Inquirer

“Hilarious, moving, a walk back to the old neighborhood with Dad.”
~ Joe Conklin

“ Big Daddy has captured a portrait of a man born of a certain generation. Solid, yet detached. In snapshot-sized prose, Graham has delivered large, important themes.”
~ Larry Platt, Editor
Philadelphia Magazine

Autographed copy $15.00
(and that includes shipping)

If you want to order by mail, send $ 15.00 to:
Big Daddy Graham
c/o Entercom 94WIP
2400 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103



The Great Book of Philadelphia Sports Lists
(Revised & Updated Edition)

Glen Macnow & Big Daddy Graham

You can order it here and I'll mail it straight to your door.

Autographed copy $15.00
(and that includes shipping)



All statements and images are property of Big Daddy Graham and may
not be used without prior written consent from Big Daddy Graham.